What’s one new thing that you started/learnt during COVID?
I started to learn Spanish, as Europe is on my to-do list once international travel is allowed again! I just practice through an app on my phone (nothing too intensive) and it’s challenging but fun.

How did you stay active during COVID?
For me, I was lucky to have a home gym the whole time so I was able to maintain my strength training routine of 3-5 sessions per week & also made a conscious effort to leave the house for a long walk each day.

How did you get into the fitness industry?
I’ve always had an interest in health, and in helping people. After finishing school I worked in a gym and completed my Personal Training certifications, and then went on to complete a Bachelor’s degree in Nutrition Science and Masters degree in Dietetics.

Can you tell us a bit about your fitness & nutrition business, Evolve?
Evolve was created to help people improve their health through exercise and eating well. People’s health needs are very individual and I wanted to create an affordable service for this. 
I create tailored exercise programs and nutrition plans to help people reach their goals. 
These programs are delivered through my interactive app, meaning people can simply access their training program and watch demonstration videos of each exercise whilst in the gym, or check their shopping list at the supermarket.
I do all of the work and provide a tailored solution, and they just follow the plan to get results!

What sets Evolve apart from other fitness businesses?
I’m 100% online so people can access my help from anywhere and everywhere. This means I can help my clients at the drop of a hat, answer check-ins and have regular contact to keep people on track, without a huge price tag.

What makes you happiest in life?
Change, growth, travel and creating opportunities for myself. I’ve studied, worked and gained experience in three different states in Australia across the last 7 years and created my own, flexible job which is perfectly suited for me and allows me to work from anywhere. This year I'm taking the whole year to travel Australia in a camper-van, and work while I'm exploring.

What’s been one of your favourite client experiences?
One of my nutrition clients came to me at 125kg with no idea of how to eat. In 12 months time with regular nutrition appointments, he had learnt how to manage his own nutrition, pick healthy choices and eat nutrient-dense foods. In doing all of this, he lost over 30kg and has still kept it off today (this was 3 years ago).

What would be some advice for someone looking to start their fitness journey?
1.Get some guidance! If you’re going to make some changes, you may as well invest at the start. People can start to do things with the best of intentions and jump in without a clear idea of how to go about it. This can be a waste of time at best, and cause injuries with long setbacks at worst.
2.Start small. Rome wasn’t built in a day, don’t put pressure on yourself to change everything all at once.
3.Have realistic expectations and clear goals. Work out WHY you are doing something, and remind yourself of this frequently to continue your momentum when things get hard.

What’s one of your favourite things about your job?
Helping people! Explaining all things health and nutrition for clients and cutting through the confusion is so rewarding. Seeing the lightbulb moments for my clients and helping them implement long-lasting health habits is unreal.

What are some quick easy tips for someone looking to clean up their nutrition?
1.Eat regular meals. Your body needs nourishment at multiple intervals throughout the day, so no skipping meals then wondering why you feel so tired!
2.Make a conscious effort to include foods from all food groups. Lots of people forget about vegetables and dairy.
3.Hydration is important. I recommend aiming for 2L minimum, and more if you’re in a hot environment or are very active. 

Top tip for general health?
Don’t get caught up on the little things! It’s no use stressing about the 1tsp of sugar in your coffee if you’re eating a tub of ice cream each night or drinking a bottle of wine. Prioritise what’s really setting you back and what changes will impact you most in the long term.

What fitness product from Only Essentials could you not live without?
The suspension trainer is a must-have. I recommend these to all clients training at home, or on the go, as it’s super lightweight, convenient, and easy to change the resistance using just your bodyweight. This means if you can’t have a full range of dumbbells, you can still have a range of resistance to work with to keep fit.